Elsie has been a client of Inclusion WA for the last few years. Elsie comes from a very supportive family and has been involved in the community through theatre and arts programs over the years and has been a part of many community shows.

Although very confident with her performances and accessing areas of the community, Elsie has struggled with developing the confidence to spend time away from her supports at home.

Earlier this year Elsie’s mum Felecia found out about a group called “Calm and Connected” which offers a variety of camp’s and overnight stay options for young adults with Autism.

When Elsie was first informed about the 2-night stay she was unsure about attending, however with the support of her Inclusion WA Mentors and her family she eventually agreed to give it a try.

Elsie, her mum and her Mentor had a video conference meeting with the camp workers who were so lovely answering any questions and lifting any concerns she had about attending this camp.

We decided that in order for this camp to be a success, Elsie would have overnight supports from her Inclusion WA Mentors for her first 2-night weekend away, with the supports leaving during the day so Elsie could really shine on her own during the activities with her peers.

This first camp was a big success and after the weekend was over Elsie could not wait to attend a future camp without her Inclusion WA Mentors there for support.


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