Our History
In 1986, a group of visionary individuals who felt people with disability had more to offer the community came together and created what would later become Inclusion WA.
A group of visionary people who felt people with disability had more to offer the community and the community had more to offer people with disability came together to create Recreation Network as a demonstration project.
After 3 years of trials Recreation Network was Incorporated as an organisation.
Leisure Buddy program established. People with a disability linked with volunteers with similar interests - one-to-one and based on similarities not differences. People With a Disability were very much involved in the decision making. This Set the foundation for the principles of the organisation.
Recreation Support program established. People with a Disability were supported one-to-one in the community to achieve the goals they had set for themselves, using paid staff rather than volunteers.
Name of the organisation changed to Recreation and Sport Network to reflect increased connection with the sport sector.
Recreation and Sport Network working with 9 people with individualised funding. The support has always been one-to-one but the organisation was 85% 'block funded' at this time, which meant the decision making 'power' was with the organisation rather than the individual.
General consensus that the organisation had been named after the car they were driving rather than the destination. Recreation and sport were often the vehicles used to connect folks to community but the ultimate goal was social inclusion. So the organisation name was changed to Inclusion WA.
All 220 people supported by Inclusion WA have individualised funding. The organisation has gone through a dramatic business shift and is now 100% funded through individual packages. The power, choice and control rightly rest with the person with a disability.